Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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323 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "RGBColor"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'-- RGBColor Class
'-- Copyright ⌐ 1995-1996 Gregg Irwin. All Rights Reserved
Option Explicit
DefInt A-Z
#If Win16 Then
Private Declare Function GetNearestColor Lib "gdi" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal RGBColor As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "user" (ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Long
#ElseIf Win32 Then
Private Declare Function GetNearestColor Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal RGBColor As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
#End If
'-- We can't use the Type def's in our public interface functions
' where they would be most useful, and we don't need them for
' any internal functions, so they're just here as documentation
' of the API Type structure.
'Private Type T_RGBQuad
' Blue As Byte
' Green As Byte
' Red As Byte
' Rsvd As Byte
'End Type
'Private Type T_RGBTriple
' Blue As Byte
' Green As Byte
' Red As Byte
'End Type
Const COLOR_DEFBITON = &H80000000 ' bit set -> Win SysColor, not RGB
Private mValue As Long ' Color value
' .BlueValue
' .GreenValue
' .RedValue
' .Value
' .AsHexString
' .AsRgbQuad
' .AsRGBString
' .AsRgbTriple
' .FromHexString
' .FromRGBString
' .NearestSolidColor
' .BlueValue
Public Property Let BlueValue(B As Integer)
Call SetBValue(B)
End Property
Public Property Get BlueValue() As Integer
BlueValue = GetBValue(Value)
End Property
' .GreenValue
Public Property Let GreenValue(G As Integer)
Call SetGValue(G)
End Property
Public Property Get GreenValue() As Integer
GreenValue = GetGValue(Value)
End Property
' .RedValue
Public Property Let RedValue(R As Integer)
Call SetRValue(R)
End Property
Public Property Get RedValue() As Integer
RedValue = GetRValue(Value)
End Property
' .Value
Public Property Let Value(NewColor As Long)
'-- If the high bit is set then it's a system color
mValue = GetSysColor(NewColor And &HFFFFFF)
mValue = NewColor
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Value() As Long
Value = mValue
End Property
' .AsHexString
Public Function AsHexString() As String
AsHexString = Hex$(Value)
End Function
' .AsRgbQuad
Public Function AsRGBQuad() As Variant
'-- We can't use a Type in a public interface so
' we return the 4 bytes in an array.
AsRGBQuad = Array(CByte(BlueValue), _
CByte(GreenValue), _
CByte(RedValue), _
End Function
' .AsRGBString
Public Function AsRGBString() As String
AsRGBString = RGBStrFromColor(Value)
End Function
' .AsRgbTriple
Public Function AsRGBTriple() As Variant
'-- We can't use a Type in a public interface so
' we return the 3 bytes in an array.
AsRGBTriple = Array(CByte(BlueValue), _
CByte(GreenValue), _
End Function
' .FromHexString
Public Sub FromHexString(HexStr As String)
Value = ColorFromHexStr(HexStr)
End Sub
' .FromRGBString
Public Sub FromRGBString(RGBStr As String)
Value = ColorFromRGBStr(RGBStr)
End Sub
' .NearestSolidColor
Public Function NearestSolidColor(hDC As Long) As Long
NearestSolidColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, Value)
End Function
' .ColorFromHexStr
Private Function ColorFromHexStr(ByVal HexStr As String) As Long
Dim tmpColor As Long
'-- Prepend hex identifier if necessary (Val requires this)
If Left$(UCase$(HexStr), 2) <> "&H" Then
HexStr = "&H" & HexStr
End If
'-- Append trailing ampersand so value is cast to a long.
' This prevents overflow errors from the Val function.
If Right(HexStr, 1) <> "&" Then
HexStr = HexStr & "&"
End If
'-- This isn't necessarily a real color value yet. It could be
' a system color. Converting it at this point lets us check
' the value to see if the high bit is set, indicating that
' it's a system color.
tmpColor = Val(HexStr)
'-- If the high bit is set then it's a system color,
' otherwise it's an RGB value.
If tmpColor And COLOR_DEFBITON Then
ColorFromHexStr = GetSysColor(tmpColor And &HFFFFFF)
ColorFromHexStr = tmpColor
End If
End Function
' .ColorFromRGBStr
Private Function ColorFromRGBStr(RGBStr As String) As Long
'-- Acceptable Color formats: 255 255 255
' 255, 255, 255
Dim RVal As Long
Dim GVal As Long
Dim BVal As Long
Dim NextSpc As Integer
Dim LastSpc As Integer
On Error Resume Next
LastSpc = 1
NextSpc = InStr(RGBStr, " ")
RVal = Val(Mid$(RGBStr, LastSpc, NextSpc - LastSpc))
LastSpc = NextSpc
NextSpc = InStr(LastSpc + 1, RGBStr, " ")
GVal = Val(Mid$(RGBStr, LastSpc, NextSpc - LastSpc))
LastSpc = NextSpc
NextSpc = Len(RGBStr) + 1
BVal = Val(Mid$(RGBStr, LastSpc, NextSpc - LastSpc))
On Error GoTo 0
ColorFromRGBStr = RVal + (GVal * &H100) + (BVal * &H10000)
End Function
' .GetBValue
Private Function GetBValue(Color As Long) As Integer
GetBValue = (Color \ &H10000) And &HFF
End Function
' .GetGValue
Private Function GetGValue(Color As Long) As Integer
GetGValue = (Color \ &H100) And &HFF
End Function
' .GetRValue
Private Function GetRValue(Color As Long) As Integer
GetRValue = Color& And &HFF
End Function
' .RGBStrFromColor
Private Function RGBStrFromColor(Color As Long) As String
Dim RVal As String
Dim GVal As String
Dim BVal As String
RVal = CStr(GetRValue(Color))
GVal = CStr(GetGValue(Color))
BVal = CStr(GetBValue(Color))
RGBStrFromColor = RVal & " " & GVal & " " & BVal
End Function
' .SetBValue
Private Sub SetBValue(B As Integer)
mValue = RGB(RedValue, GreenValue, B)
End Sub
' .SetGValue
Private Sub SetGValue(G As Integer)
mValue = RGB(RedValue, G, BlueValue)
End Sub
' .SetRValue
Private Sub SetRValue(R As Integer)
mValue = RGB(R, GreenValue, BlueValue)
End Sub